Yorkshire Holy Wells



Lady Well - Nunburnholme
(SE 8492 4877)

This Lady Well is located on the wooded hillside above the site of a 13th century Benedictine priory (St Mary's). In the past the stream from the spring also provided a water supply for the nearby village of Nunburnholme.

The main spring emerges through the chalky rubble beneath a large fallen tree branch, and the water collects in a small pool, before flowing down the hill  as a stream to the village. 
There is nothing here to signify this is a holy well and the spring is not marked as Lady Well on the modern OS map (or the first edition maps).
Smith's mentions a Lady well at Nunburnholme saying it is located near Bratt Wood, to the north of the village, however he also calls it the 'Lady Spring' which is marked on the OS map further to the east (see Lady Spring - Warter) So perhpas some more research required here.

Access - A footpath leads to the corner of the wood in which the spring is located.
Condition - Good for a natural spring, but neglected as a holy well.
