Yorkshire Holy Wells



St Swithin's Well - Copt Hewick
(SE3413 7133)

St Swithin's Well is located on the village green on the east side of Copt Hewick. The spring source is in the bank behind the well and a small but steady flow of water enters the trough through a hole in the back wall of the structure.
Why this well should be dedicated to St Swithin is a mystery at present, perhaps Copt Hewick's proximity to the ancient ecclesiastical centre at Ripon holds the answer?
St Swithin was the bishop of Winchester in the 9th century and the story of how his grave was relocated against his wishes, provoking a prolonged deluge which gave rise to a piece of weather folklore, in that if it rains on the saints day (15th July) then it will rain for forty days afterwards.
The weather on this day was keenly observed in agricultural areas as an indicator of the forthcoming harvest and in some areas of Britain, folklore attribute certain wells with the power to control the weather, so perhaps there is a link here with St Swithin.

Access - The well is on the grass verge at the east side of the village.
Condition - Excellent, no real change since our visit in 1988.
