Yorkshire Holy Wells



Nuns' Well - Arden
(SE 5195 9082)

This well is located on the east side of a footpath, a short distance to the north of Arden Hall. The old hall used to be a nunnery and so provides an explanation for the wells name.

Water from a spring in the hillside behind the well is piped into the the 'bath' and the overflow is piped away to a nearby stream. The bath is around 5ft in diameter and of a similar depth, with masoned stonework forming stepped sides to the shaft. There are also traces of a low wall (bench?) in the undergrowth around the well and it is tempting to see the nuns sat around the well in contemplation.

 In 1997 a stone slab cross was noted in the under growth by the well (see pic on right) but unfortunately this cross had gone by January 2000.


Access - This well is located alongside a public footpath.
Condition - Excellent, no real change since our first visit, except the missing cross.
